Collier to Lead International Workshops

Institute Co-founder and Head of Research, Dr. Caleb Collier, has been invited to lead a series of workshops with the Self-Directed Learning Research Unit at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. The SDL Research Unit at NWU is a global leader in the field — hosting an annual conference and publishing extensive research — and the Institute is honored to collaborate with them on advancing the case for learner-led education! While there, Dr. Collier will lead workshops on cultivating SDL in primary schools, the theoretical foundations of SDL, and the intersections between SDL and character formation. He'll also have the opportunity to learn from these researchers about their latest projects on SDL as well as travel to a variety of research sites within South Africa.

The Institute for Self Directed Learning works to catalyze the research base for self-directed learning, partner with public schools to design and lead learner-led environments, and provide educators with learner-led curricular resources.


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